Rolling unit includes: loosely rolled machine, crimping machine, molding machine, triangular bailing bar, electrical control silo
Steel Plate Silo. The rolled silo unit mainly has two specifications of spiral steel plate silo, SM30 and SM40. SM30 is suitable for silo diameter range: 3~8 meters, SM40 is suitable for silo diameter range of 6~18 meters.
Large welded steel plate silo, also known as steel plate warehouse. It is mainly made of welded steel. In the continuous development of China's steel plate warehouse industry, there is our own research and development of independent construction of large welded steel plate warehouse was born. Steel plate warehouse storage of grain is a good method. With the development of industrial technology.
Grain Silo due to temperature measurement devices, once the grain temperature changes. Ventilation with a mobile fan for the implementation of effective measures for safe grain storage large steel plate warehouse, the use of new grain silo, the bottom of the silo set up mechanical ventilation devices laying ventilation pipes. Floor to ceiling steel plate silo gas consumption is small: because the silo uses gas fluidization unloading, gas homogenization, gas out of the silo conveying the integration of design concepts, that is, the principle of one gas multi-purpose, can save a lot of gas source.
Grain detection, ventilation and fumigation system is a reliable means to ensure the safety of grain storage. At present, most of the new grain storage steel plate silo set temperature measurement, ventilation system, can be found in a timely manner grain heat, take ventilation measures, cooling moisture, balanced grain temperature, improve the hot and humid environment of the grain, improve the stability of the grain storage; some are also equipped with fumigation system, circular fumigation to kill si pests, to ensure that the safety of grain storage.